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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm

"To worship is to QUICKEN THE CONSCIENCE by the HOLINESS of God,
to FEED THE MIND with the TRUTH of God,
to PURGE THE IMAGINATION by the beauty of God,
to OPEN THE HEART to the love of the God,

former archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple

We answer God's call to meet Him in worship each Sunday
at 9:30am and 6:00pm

In First CRC worship services you will find...

A Biblical Foundation

Our worship is centered on the Word of God and aims to be joyful, reverent, relevant and formational.  
We draw on the best of both traditional and contemporary forms of worship, remembering that worship is the central part of the covenantal relationship between God and His people and the goal of worship is to glorify the Triune God.

Expository Preaching

The Word of God is central and our understanding of God's Word is nurtured through
 - which is from reading the Word, chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Teaching Services

Our evening worship services focus on the great truths as confessed by Reformed Churches all over the world.


Music is an integral part of our worship and serves to support and express all the
actions of worship - praise, prayer, proclamation and dedication.  
As a congregation, we wholeheartedly enjoy lifting our voices together in song!


The sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper are celebrated as
continual reminders of God's faithfulness to His covenant people.

Worship as a meeting of God and His people...

Worship is a central part of the covenantal relationship between God and his people. In fact, worship has been described as covenant renewal; worship enacts what we often proclaim in the words of Psalter Hymnal 272: "You are our God; we are your people." In our worship our God speaks to us, and we His people respond to Him. This "dialogic" understanding of worship is Biblically based and is the foundation of Reformed worship and of our congregation's worship.

At times in the worship service, God is the speaker. It is He who calls us to worship. He calls us to confess our sins; He assures us of His pardon. He speaks to us in the Scripture readings and through the sermon. He speaks to us in the sacraments--baptism and the Lord's Supper--that He Himself instituted. At the end, He gives us His blessing and sends us out to serve.

At times in the service we speak to God. We respond to His call to worship and His greeting with our own words and with song. We respond to His call to confession by confessing our sins, sometimes in words of Scripture, sometimes in unison prayers, sometimes in song. We respond to His assurance of pardon with a song of gratitude or with words of dedication to holy living. We respond to the reading of Scripture with words of thanks, and to the sermon with a song. We lift our prayers: we ask for a blessing on the opening of Scripture and we raise all our congregational, church, and world concerns to Him in the pastoral prayer. We express our support of God's Kingdom work through the offering.

Music is an integral part of our worship. Music serves to support and express all the actions of worship --praise, prayer, proclamation, dedication. We believe that the primary musical voice in worship is that of the congregation; when at times a choir or small group or individual sings within the service, they do so on behalf of the congregation and in a way that fits the order of worship. Instrumental music (music by organ, piano, and various instruments) serves to lead the singing and also to express the theme or tone of the service in preludes, offertories, and postludes. Music is thus not an add-on or an interlude, but an integral part of the worship we bring to God, our Savior and our Lord.