Sunday Worship: January 2025
Morning and evening worship services are in our church building at 9:30am and 6:00pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Live stream (below) and recordings of the services will be available.
We hope you are blessed as you join us in worship!
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Morning Worship...
Sermon: THE BEATITUDES: A PICTURE OF THE BLESSED LIFE | Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 | Led by Rev. Kurt Monroe | Order of Service | 9:30am
The deacons encourage you to give financially as an act of worship and confident hope and trust in the provision of our sovereign God. The offerings for this Sunday are designated for the First CRC Ministry Fund, Christian Education Fund, Denominational Pledge, and Building and Mission Funds... You may give online here...
Evening Worship...
Sermon: THE HOPE OF CHRIST | Scripture: Luke 12:1-12 | Led by Rev. Jesse Walhof | Order of Service | 6:00pm
The live stream of our services will be available below at service times.
The video of our morning worship service will be on Cable Channel 12 on Wednesday at 1:30pm
The recorded video of both services will be available on our Library of Services page...
Live viewing of our worship services...
Our Sunday morning and evening services (9:30am and 6:00pm Central) are available to watch live.
A SermonAudio app is available for Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Chromecast TV, Amazon Echo, iPad, Kindle, Apple and Android mobile devices. Search for SermonAudio and download the SA app on your device. Set "My Church" to the First CRC church code of 68310.
You may also listen to the livestream using your telephone by calling 712-432-3410 and listen to the options: Dial 2 to listen to a live webcast from a particular church, then dial First CRC's church code of 68310
If you have trouble seeing the service below, try clicking here.