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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm


Newborn to 3 years old

Available during morning and evening services, Upper level near east entrance
Young children are always welcome at our services ...yet parents may also take advantage of our infant and toddler nurseries. Both nurseries are staffed with adults plus helpers and have age-appropriate toys. We also have a Mother's Room, with a one-way view into the sanctuary, in the infant nursery.

Children & Worship

3 to 5 year olds

Upper level Room 8
A worship service for 3 to 5 year olds meets during our morning service every Sunday during our church education season (September to April). Children start the service in the sanctuary with their families. After the Hymn of Praise, our helpers greet the children in the back of the sanctuary and lead them to our worship center. The children are taught lessons that follow the liturgical year.
Children of visiting families are welcome! 

Children's Choir

Preschool through 3rd grade

In the Fireside room following the morning service (September through April)
Children love to sing praises to our God as they meet every Sunday morning during the church education season. We encourage the kids to get engaged with the music as they sing both praise songs they may hear at school and worship songs we sing in church. We love it when children aid us is our worship, which is why the choir is invited to lead us in song during our Sunday service a few times during the year. After choir time, children go into their church education classes.

Church Education

Preschool through 3rd grade

Upper level Fireside Room and classrooms (September through April)
After choir time, our kids gather for a time to study the Bible. At this time, preschool through 3rd graders study a Bible lesson with curriculum provided by Great Commission Publications. Classes end at 11:30am.

If you have questions about any of the above church ministries...

please call or email our church office (links below) for information and the contact information of the ministry's current leader.