Worship Services
9:30am Morning Worship
led by Rev. Kurt Monroe
6:00pm Evening Worship
led by Rev. Jesse Walhof
To join in worship via live stream click here
Adult Choir
8:30am on Sundays
All interested singers, 9th grade and older,
are invited to join the choir in the sanctuary.
We are looking forward to a wonderful year
of glorifying God through song together
and would love to have you join us!
Church Education Classes
10:45am -Children's choir and Youth choir
meet first in Room 8 and the Fireside Room.
Sunday School dismisses at 11:30am
3 yr - 4th grade study “Show Me Jesus”
curriculum by Great Commission Pub.
5th - 8th grades take sermon notes and
discuss the sermon.
9th - 12th Grade study the Heidelberg Catechism (2 yrs), Belgic Confession, and they learn about our church - from council to committees to worship planning to giving.
Menu This Week:
Wednesday, January 22
Menu: Taco bar, Spanish rice,
fresh fruit, and brownies/ice cream.
Serving from 5:00-6:30
in the fellowship hall.
We'd love to have you come!
Bible Studies
Check our Weekly Bulletin
for the Bible Studies meeting
this week and when/where
they are meeting.
You're always welcome to join!
Moms in Prayer
Meets each week in our Upstairs Fireside
Room while school is in session
Grandmothers Moms in Prayer Group
Tuesdays @ 9:30-10:30am
College/Career Moms in Prayer Group
Tuesdays @ Noon-1:00pm
All moms, grandmas and any women
who are willing to pray are welcome!
Youth Group [Schedule]
High school students meet
at the upper level of our ministry building
on Wednesdays at 7pm
Check our Weekly Bulletin for
GEMS [Schedule]
GEMS is open to all girls in
grades 4-8.
They meet at Bethel CRC
twice a month during the
school year.
Wednesdays at 7pm.