Youth Choir
4th through 8th grade
In Room 8 following the morning service (September through April)
Our Youth Choir meets every Sunday morning during the church education season. They often learn songs that are a little more musically challenging, yet filled with the truths of Scripture. They are invited to lead us in song during a Sunday service a few times throughout the year. After choir time, they go into their church education classes.
Church Education
4th through 8th grade
Upper level classrooms (September through April)
After choir time, our kids gather for a time to study the Bible. 4th graders study a Bible lesson with curriculum provided by Great Commission Publications. 5th through 8th graders take notes during the sermon and meet with teachers to discuss the morning’s sermon. Classes end at 11:30.
ETM (Early Teen Ministries)
7th and 8th grade
One Sunday evening each month, 7:30-9:00pm
(September through April)
ETM is a monthly gathering of 7th and 8th graders from First CRC plus many kids from other churches in town. In addition to our Youth Leader, several Dordt students lead these teens in devotions and activities. For this month's schedule, go to the Info Center.
GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting our Savior)
4th through 8th grade girls
2nd and 4th Wednesdays at Bethel CRC, 7:00pm (September through May)
GEMS Girls' Club is an opportunity for young girls to study the Bible, make new friends, and learn what it means to live a radically faithful life for Christ—acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with Him! First CRC and Bethel CRC girls join together in this ministry. If your daughter would be interested in joining GEMS, please contact our church office.
Cadets (Calvinist Cadet Corps)
4th through 8th grade boys
2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Ministry Building (lower level) at 6:45pm
Cadets is an opportunity for boys to study God's Word, learn new skills and grow more Christlike in all areas of life. Cadet leaders mentor the boys in faith, skills and character. The Cadet Code: A Cadet must be reverent, obedient, compassionate, consecrated, trustworthy, pure, grateful, loyal, industrious, and cheerful. If your son would be interested in joining Cadets, please contact our church office.