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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm


CARRYING the WORD into the week...

January 30, 2017
By Rev. Mark Verbruggen
So much of the anger, the grief, the despair and hopelessness felt by so many people in the world today is really a MOURNING for what ONLY Christ can MAKE WHOLE AGAIN. People are looking for comfort in all the wrong places because they are no longer at home, at peace, with their Creator. And so, at the center of the "Sermon on the Mount" is the Kingdom of God, the REIGN of God that has COME HOME to this world IN Jesus Christ. It's here (and no where else) where WE ARE COMFORTED.

From Sunday's morning sermon | KINGDOM LIVING: THE ONES WHO MOURN | Scripture: Matthew 5:1-10 | Listen to sermon online | Watch a video of the service