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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm


CARRYING the WORD into the week...

November 29, 2016
By Rev. Mark Verbruggen
The ATTRACTION of the Kingdom is not it's beauty or power, but it is the WORD of the Lord. Those who come to God in Christ MUST BELIEVE there is a BETTER Word by which we are to be INSTRUCTED so that we will LIVE in the LIGHT, which is the BLESSING of God. As we COME ALIVE to the POWER of God's Word and CENTER our lives in its message we will find ourselves living in a whole New World - not here in perfection, however we see BEYOND what IS to what WILL BE when Christ comes again.

From Sunday's morning sermon | ADVENT: IN DAYS TO COME | Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-5 | Listen to sermon online | Watch a video of the service