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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm


CARRYING the WORD into the week...

October 14, 2016
By Rev. Mark Verbruggen
In BAPTISM, God now MARKS US as HIS OWN children through the WASHING AWAY of our sins by HIS BLOOD and WRITING HIS NAME invisibly on our foreheads. In the LORD'S SUPPER we SEE with our eyes and TASTE with our mouths the SACRIFICE of Jesus on the cross. In these sacraments we see the TRUTH of the Gospel DISPLAYED and CONFIRMED for us. By FAITH ALONE we share in Christ and ALL His BLESSINGS.

From Sunday's evening sermon | SACRAMENTS: TOUCHING OUR SALVATION | Scripture: Exodus 12:21-28; 14:13-22; II Timothy 3:10-4:5; Belgic Confession Art. 33 | Listen to sermon online | Watch a video of the service