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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm


CARRYING the WORD into the week...

May 26, 2016
By Rev. Mark Verbruggen
Now since ALL THINGS BELONG to Christ and are under HIS SOVEREIGNTY, we who BELONG to Christ may LAY CLAIM to ALL THINGS and LIVE our lives in this world FOR HIS KINGDOM.  But, like Abraham, we can only do this IN FAITH.  By faith we need to BELIEVE the promise of God that says WE ARE HIS CHILDREN BY GRACE.  Through faith WE BELIEVE the Kingdom of God HAS COME and that this world, even though it still experiences the weight of sin, is BEING TRANSFORMED to reflect the WEIGHT of GOD'S GLORY. 

From Sunday's evening sermon | ABRAHAM: THE CALL | Scripture: Genesis 11:27 - 12:9 | Listen to sermon online