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Worship Sundays at 9:30am & 6:00pm


CARRYING the WORD into the week...

February 16, 2017
By Rev. Mark Verbruggen
As we LIVE and WORK in this world, be aware that we are standing on "HOLY GROUND". We are here BY GRACE. God's WORD to us in Jesus is a WORD of GRACE. ONLY in that Word we find our IDENTITY and CONFIDENCE. Through that Word we know God is with us and we live in God's presence. As God's covenant community we RESPOND to His Word with JOYFUL OBEDIENCE to DO His WILL in His Creation. God is on God's side and WE BELONG to God IN Jesus Christ.

From Sunday's afternoon sermon | JOSHUA: ARE YOU FOR US OR THEM? | Scripture: Joshua 5 | Listen to sermon online | Watch a video of the service